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ScotiaMcLeod Investment Portfolios

An innovative, exclusive, holistic investment program.

The ScotiaMcLeod Investment Portfolios® are a suite of exclusive investment solutions, rich in choice and flexibility, and grounded in rigorous risk management and governance. At the heart of the program is a partnership between Scotia Wealth Management and its asset management affiliates. The breadth and scale of our partners enable us to offer specialized institutional-quality investment management capabilities across all major sectors, asset classes, and geographies.

Layers of expertise, governance, and risk management

High calibre institutional management

Versatile, multi-manager discretionary platform

Benefits to you

You can free up valuable time without having to worry about being available to approve investment decisions. At the same time, you gain peace of mind, knowing that your portfolio is actively managed by experienced investment professionals.

Risk management is embedded in every step of the process, from program oversight and manager due diligence to individual security selection.

You gain access to high calibre institutional money managers, carefully selected and monitored by a dedicated team at Scotia Wealth Management.

A diverse mix of money managers, spanning all major sectors, regions, and investment disciplines allows tailoring the portfolio to your specific goals through custom mandate combinations.

We work with you directly to help identify potential opportunities that may enable the implementation of tax management strategies to help enhance your after-tax returns.

The fee covers money management, ongoing due-diligence and monitoring, custody, trading costs, and reporting. As your portfolio goes up, the fee percentage goes down.

Fee-based structure helps ensure that changes are implemented to grow and protect your assets, not to generate transactions.

Multi-layered risk management and oversight

Systematic investment framework to maximize risk-adjusted return.

ScotiaMcLeod Investment Portfolios are built on layers of expertise, oversight, and risk management. Behind your portfolio, and every investment decision is a team with specialized knowledge.

The investment process is anchored in the design of the strategic asset allocation framework for a broad range of investment objectives. It then draws upon the platform of our investment professionals to carefully select strategies and build portfolios that can consistently deliver attractive risk-adjusted returns. Another layers of risk management is provided by tactically adjusting the strategic mix, which seeks to incorporate the most recent thinking of the Scotia Wealth Management’s Asset Mix Advisory Group.

  • Rigorous program governance, risk management, and oversight by the Investment Solutions team.
  • Portfolio customization through strategy and mandate alignment by your Wealth Advisor.
  • Systematic, disciplined investment process, that combines asset allocation and security selection.
  • Tactical asset allocation by the Investment Solutions team.
  • Security selection by dedicated, institutional- calibre specialist portfolio management teams.

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